How is marketing changing on the Web3?
On the occasion of the 2022 Venice Biennale, Vanity Fair inaugurated its presence in the Metaverse with MetaVanity. In order of time, this is just the latest example of a company taking the plunge. There are those who speak of a revolution just like the one brought by the smartphone, some of the birth of a new virtual mythology. In any case, marketing in the Metaverse goes far beyond the limits of multichannel as we have understood it until now.
“Exponential growth in this area – explains Beatrice Pontari, Marketing & Innovation Manager of Hunters Group, a qualified personnel research and selection company – which, according to the data processed by our Observatory, would mean the creation of 5,000 new jobs for 2024 Expert marketing figures will be in great demand for the conception, creation and execution of advertising campaigns. Therefore, in addition to the basic skills related to the sector, they will have to have more technical skills in the Metaverse and applications related to XR technology in marketing.”
Therefore, it is evident how much the activities of the marketing departments in the Metaverse can ideally be divided into two broad categories: those related to user experience and those related to business and sales.
Selling in the Metaverse means moving in a context in which technology represents the predominant component of the commercial offer. “Online shopping is nothing new, explains Beatrice Mazza, founder of Ravenous Fashion Podcast and co-founder of Fashion Marketing Italy, but the spaces are changing: websites and social networks are transformed into digital environments where people live immersive experiences. . With them, the promotional activities also change: organizing an event for a launch in the Metaverse implies a completely different attention to detail and a communication strategy, not to mention the new flexibility linked to the management of the capacities of the participants”.
To this is added the whole issue of advertising within these new spaces that must fit naturally, without interrupting the activities of play or exploration. A general complexity that obviously translates into an increase in requests for figures capable of implementing and managing marketing strategies in the Metaverse.
If the design of attractive and captivating experiences for users is already a fundamental element to achieve success, with the Metaverse the value of the User Experience is tripled thanks to the more immersive relationship between the consumer and the interface. It is no coincidence that the professions related to both User Experience and User Interface, more related to design, are of great importance: they are two sides of the same coin that must be coordinated to obtain effective results.
Especially for exceptional activities such as the launch day of a new product on the market: promotional events could take place in virtual mode with limited access, within a virtual space built ad hoc, guaranteeing the participants some exclusive benefits related to this experience. The goal of these campaigns? Further shorten the distance between companies and customers.
“In order to carry out these exclusive events or simply implement innovative Marketing strategies – adds Beatrice Pontari – some expert professionals in the sector and with a great knowledge of the world linked to the Metaverse and Marketing on Web3 will be essential. In particular, the most sought after figures will be Metaverse/NFT Strategist, Metaverse Storyteller, Metaverse Community Manager, and Web3 NFT Collection Manager.”
Metaverse/NFT Strategist. His main task will be to devise the design of the strategy linked to the adoption of new paradigms within the Metaverse. The Metaverse Strategist must put his skills as a strategist at the service of projects that aim at the end-to-end redesign of a service, the redefinition of business models and operating models, the redesign of organizations and processes, based on the customer experience / end user, their needs and expectations.
Narrator of the Metaverse. Since the experiential value of a product is fundamental in Marketing, even in the Metaverse this element could not fail. So there will be a need for storytellers who can tell great stories on Web3.
The Metaverse Storyteller will be responsible for designing immersive missions so that users can explore the metaverse interactively.
Community manager of the metaverse. His main task is to manage the virtual community: this professional, in fact, must deal with brand communication in the Metaverse, in places where the company is talked about. The Community Manager establishes and takes care of the dialogue between the company and its audience, making the conversation around the brand positive. Among his main activities: elaboration of a multichannel editorial plan, choosing and managing the metaverses in which to invest; creation and publication of social/virtual content and active management of the brand by interacting with the social network and the web3 community; involvement and interaction with industry influencers.
Web3 NFT Collection Manager. The NFT Collections Manager will have to deal with artist/company relationships, managing company projects and acting as a bridge between the creative team and the development team. This professional must contribute to the creation and development of marketing strategies consistent with corporate values, so they must have in-depth knowledge of the Crypto and NFT world.
“Specialization – adds Beatrice Mazza – will be the determining factor for a career in the Metaverse field. One, extremely vertical in technology, to be able to deal with the dematerialization of the product and the collaboration with technology partners dealing with the new virtual economy; the second, on the other hand, will be centered on people and their ever-new needs”.
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